Sunday, November 23, 2008

Curious Bloggington....

One of the Blogs I like to visit is the of Kanye West but as I like at the sheer volume of posts on a daily basis are on that blog.Do you really think that is Kanye on there?I mean I believe its his blog and he does write on it a lot but I wouldn't be surprised if he had like a blogger assistant helping a thought.


Anyone listen to 808's and HeartBreak yet????


DanniGyrl said...

Yeah blogger Sandra Rose posted a pic of the person who is really posting on Ye's blog. He is a celeb blogger and does other blogs too.

Supposedly when Kanye was arrested the first time and at the police statiom, three posts went up on his blog.I guess the person blogging for him didn't know he had been arrested. So that's when he was busted as not posting on his own blog. Yeezy then took the infamous shot of him on his website posting while in the studio to prove he really posted but the photo didn't really prove anything.

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