Thursday, January 29, 2009

Classically Funny



JaeSpenc said...

BWWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OMG!!! That shit is RIDICULOUS!!! Almost caused my daughter to get a whippin' for asking me to tone down my laughter! LMAOOOOOOOOOO

If she had just WENT DOWN it wouldn't have been that funny... but her trying to recover... and then the "Walk it Out" behind it... HAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA HOLY SHIT.. thanks for this.

AssertiveWit said...

EVERYONE is posting this shat LOL I've seen it on 3 other blogs so far

NightFall914 said...

@ Jae & Assertive

Yeah its funny cuz it's an old video but Myspace blogs suxx in terms of finding old material so I couldnt link bacc to when I originally posted it.
Either that laughs are still

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