Monday, January 12, 2009

I put that where?!?!?!?!?!

This topic comes from a past convo with one of my dear female friends......ok here we go.....CocC Rings. Anyone have experience with them? What are they really for? I have noooooooooo plans on ever using one cuz the whole idea truthfully scares me.


Jillian said...

from what i understand they are to help sustain an erection...maybe i'm wrong...something to do with bloodflow etc..

NightFall914 said...


JaeSpenc said...

ok... Jillian was correct. " C- Rings" are used to help trap the blood in the penis/testicles to enhance a man's stamina and sexual experience.

There are some that go JUST around the penis. Some that go around both the penis and the scrotum and some that have different attachments that also benefit your female/male counterpart. Those generally are worn like a "strap on".

I've been w/ a man who used one ONCE (no, it's not who you think... lol)-- It freaked me out. I don't like them either... They make me lose respect for the manhood. lmao

They can be scary. and if you get a cheap one... they CAN snap (imagine industrial sized rubberband popping on your private parts... )

Cock Rings... in my opinion-- not a good look.

NightFall914 said...

Will Dr. Jae. I see that you're the expert

JaeSpenc said...

U gotta be well versed in what's out there... anymore questions? I know LOTS -o- stuff. lol

Jillian said...

oh snap i was right!!

thanks for the info Jae

Ceecee said...

Dont mind me just browing here...saw this post...I've used a vibrating cock did more for him than me...maybe I'll have to buy a better version so I can feel it better but he enjoyed the vibrations...these are not just for minute men- they're for anyone who wants to extend their performance time...

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