Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Put a Ring on it you Say??????

Funny Beyonce Rant via Necole Bitchie. LOL


Empress Journee' said...

Funny... I haven't clubbed in for min. now i really don't want to.

JaeSpenc said...

but see, the concept of the song isn't wanting a man to marry you...it's sayin' you only want me because you don't have me and if it was really ME that you wanted you would have made me yours.

... so... I love that song...and it's true! I think ya girl missed the mark on her blog.

NightFall914 said...

@ Jae
LoL, I dont her woman. But I think the rant was less about B and her song then the ridiculous re-enactment of it at the club.lol

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