Snatched this from his twitter....
"Ladies What is a guaranteed way that a man can tell if you are faking an orgasm? Does your man even care?"
Ladies, GO IN!!!!!
Snatched this from his twitter....
"Ladies What is a guaranteed way that a man can tell if you are faking an orgasm? Does your man even care?"
Posted by NightFall914 at 12:48 PM
Labels: AntiTwitter, Ludacris, Men, Not Sexy, Race relations, Step Yo Game Up, women
*sigh*'s sad that we even feel compelled to fake it lol...sad on both ends...sad that "he" is not on his job, sad that "she" wants to protect his ego or just get it over with...
..if she gets up immediately, gets dressed, and all of a sudden has the urge to go workout..probably faked it..
..excessively LOUD yelling, probably faking it...
..if you say "do you like that?" and her response is "huh"..probably going to fake it
..if while she's announcing she is going to have one, all the clenching is external, and you don't feel the YOU KNOW WHAT contract..probably fake...
LOL that's my 2 cents...
I've learned to be VERY convincing... Can control the P.C Muscles and make you thinkkkkkk you'd doing something great...
WITH ME... if you cannot TOUCH me for like ummmm 10 minutes. then you've done it. I'm talking I'll have like a seizure-like shaking fit if touched... all my nerve endings are aliiiiiive and tingling...
but other than that. w/me @ least... youcan't tell.
chicks who fake it are wack. why don't you just tell him what he's doing wrong? that's what i do. i know every girl is different and what worked for one isn't gonna work for the other, so when i see it's not working i just ask them straight up, like, "okay, what do you need me to do right now?"
That all seems pretty on point.
Smh @ your professional level fakeism. I wonder why that
Yeah pretty much.If there's something I can do better I'd want to know. But hey Men + Woman rarely results in 100% logic, especially regarding sex.
you stole my pitcha! which i stole from someone else ha.
have fun with it
@ CornellWatch
Really?I thought that was his Chicken and Beer Album cover?
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