Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Current Mood

Man's thoughts: "You realize you're laying on it right?Seriously? You've seen this show before.....can I get a lick, kiss???? Will you do something?!?!? If not I'm going to sleep cuz this is some bullshit!"


Fran said...

HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA!!! *THIS* is the fucking story of my life!! THE....STORY....OF...MY....LIFE!
My mom used to lay me on her lap and brush play with my hair when I was a baby so now it's a habit of mine. I like to lay on laps. I wondered why guys always sigh, suck their teeth and give me the side eye LMAOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!

DollFace said...

Wow really sir?! Wonder what sparked this one....

Nik said...

Lmao. THIS...has to be the best post I've read ALL week!

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