Sunday, September 19, 2010

Faux vs Facts

With all the various ways to express feelings, opinions and views, I wonder if people fact check? I mean do you really take people to task for the things they put out under the label of check or social law? I think at times for the fear of negative reaction or being labeled a "hater" we don't call out folks on the blatant b.s their releasing into the air. Be it political, religious or relationship based I read and hear so many cute quotes and sayings that while they may sound good and may get a nice "You go girl" or "That's right you tell'em" type reaction...when you actually step back and look at the statements they don't make sense. The rants of a hurt soul don't automatically elevate to the status of Fact. And I think that were the sake of those more easily impressionable types there always needs to be someone out there willing to say "Ummmmm that doesn't make sense" and not just co-sign your friend blindly.


Fran said...

This probably has nothing to do with anything, but I HATE HATE HATE when people co-sign this quote: "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure....blah blah blah"

NightFall914 said...

The whole "quote" thing urks me SOOOOOOO much right now. Not with everyone but many times I'm like A) Yo aint living what you're quoting and B)If you were 1/2 as on point to be able to connect with that quote as you think your life would be much, much better.

A lot of folk use quotes, pretty sayingsre and elaborate statements to conceal that they have no real idea whats going on in their lives.

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