Friday, March 23, 2012

Get Up, Stand Up: Why Protests Still Matter | Clutch Magazine

I rock with a very talents collective. The same woman that brought you this past Hump Day's sizzling tale, flips the coins speaking on the community call to action that was the Million Hoodie Rally. Here is a bit of her perspective. Check it out then visit Clutch Magazine for the full story.

With a large portion of the country suffering from the down economy, a dissipating middle class, unequivocal economic system, and staggering unemployment, it was only a matter of time before people acted. And they did. Young people sprang into action joining Occupy movements coast to coast and reigniting the protest movements of the past.
Now, a more pressing matter exists. The life of Trayvon Martin, as horrible and unbelievable as it sounds, symbolizes the lack of progress we have experienced a country. As it was many years ago, young black males are viewed as suspicious criminals. On Tuesday, I went to the rally in New York City with my hoodie to support Trayvon’s family and find out if young people were truly committed to the cause, or just roaming around the street with skittles and ice tea.

**Full Article Here**


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