Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Sharing a bit of Me w/ Ms. Nikks

It's funny how life works. While I was in one part of Canada having a convo directly related to how where I'm from has effected how I am, in another part of Canada one of my friends was releasing this short piece I was asked to guest blog on. A few thoughts about my birthplace, my hometown  New Rochelle New York.

Check my edition of Where I Am From via Ms Nikks.


Nikks said...

Awe, I don't like that AB is so far away from Toronto! I'll catch up with you one of these days. Thanks for the post!

I remember watching a movie, I think 'Stepmom' and seeing them drive home from their days in the city and going home to a quiet town. I always wanted that. Sounds like you've got that in New Rochelle.

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