Tuesday, January 4, 2011

How It's Going Down.....

The year is new and many are speaking of resolutions, plans and goals. I have a few target goals in mind and a few things I'm still formulating in my head. I think as certain aspect of social interaction have changed I need to change as well. This change is needed to have better more efficient dealings with people both online and offline. So what do I want to start doing? Here are a few...

  1. Stop repeating things to people. I invite folk to events, inquire about support, show travel deals if I know I person is looking for something and I often time find myself  checking in to see if they have taking advantage of it. That needs to stop. You don't need to remind adults about things they genuinely want to do. You shouldn't have to point, hint or guide a person to do something. So I really see myself mentioning stuff once maybe twice then after that you on your own. 
  2. Understand who people are and the fact that most people are NOT changing. I many times hold out hope that people will change. Not even grand changes of personality or belief but simply not changes in how much I depend or better yet expect from them. The people that says "That sounds great lets do it....I'll call you." But never does so. I'd usually try repeatedly because if I see a good thing in a person I'd attempt to cultivate it. No more. If it was of true interest they would react.
  3.  Utilize the Mute and Hide features more to achieve my needed online social balance of energy. I've given up on thinking people will alter how they represent themselves on online. The internal human desire to be bigger then we really are is too great. Or folk simply have no ideas as to what it means to self censor in a public place. So I'll simply apply more control over what I allow to appear on my screen.
  4. Crawl out of my box. I want to try new things this year. Not sure what those things will be but I wanna introduce a fresh new vibe into my world. And interacting with new people is key to opening some new doors. 
  5. I'm still trying to separate the message from the messenger. I just find it hard at times to take certain advise from folk I KNOW aren't living what they're putting out.  

I'm sure I'll be adding on to this but its definitely a start......


SandhiBeaches said...

It's a great list of things...

♥ CG ♥ said...

So feeling you on these, especially the first one. I'm like that too, it dawned on me that folks remember what they find important so the hell with that going forward. I may remind someone but that's the extent. Nothing says I don't care like "oh, remind me later".

Happy New Year!

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