Tuesday, November 18, 2008

How u Livin'?

What are the real differences in living situations?What makes living with your family different from living on your own different from living with a room mate different from living with a significant other?


Anonymous said...

living on ur own can be expensive especially here in nyc but the quiet is nice i bet... makes it easier to spread ur stuff out.. ahh sometimes i want that soooooo bad. lol

roommates help split the bill, but sometimes it's like living with fam depending on how close you are with them.. i don't know much about that either.. while my fam blows me away with some the stuff they do/say, i can't see myself moving out until i'm positive i can afford it - esp with my current situation with fam, plus i'm the only one she doesn't want to move out lol..

can't say it isn't nice to say you have your own place tho. s/o blah.. i can't tell you because i don't know lol

Jillian said...

you know i think the differences you acquire or view are in direct correlation to your location and upbringing...

me culturally, that's just what you do, family lives together or stays within close proximity...me however, i like having my own space..and in the west coast, in az, if you still lived at home at a certain age it's got a negative connotation...but some place like NYC, it's very common and "normal" i guess..which based on cost of living i can see why...

living with a roommate/family primarily provides financial assistance...but gotta weigh the pros/cons...more money in the bank or more personal space/freedom lol...

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