Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Bangin' the Rev's daughter???

I can't access the vid so if you've seen it let em know.
But Pro Skater "TK" has come out speaking on the "sex issues" between he and former interest Angela Simmons. Now truthfully this is gossip shit but as a fan of the Simmons' I do need to ask this.

What happened to grown as men moving in silence and not speaking on things that happen in the privacy of their home. This is my blog space and I'll speak on things in my life but their is a certain line of privacy that men used to never cross. Now guys run at the mouth like triflin' females.

Here's the video and honsety I'm happy it wasnt what I was led to believe but now my thought is this. Why even put this video out? Unless he's going to refute her after every episode theres really nothing gained from this?Ooooh well.

**Side Note**

You can have Angela.I'd prefer Vanessa.


All In said...

amen....where is the masculinity?hehe

NightFall914 said...

There's not much left.....the skinny jeans are squeezing it out of the balls of these kids.

Anonymous said...

i have to see this video i truly do. but wow .. he came out and told about this ? i wonder what her father thought.
--Ms. Ray

JaeSpenc said...

lol...that guy kinda looks like you.

I never knew you were crushin' on Angela... I thought it was Vanessa!!

Sounds like he's burned because she wouldn't give it up. Rev. Run raised some good kids...

... But I'll bet Jo-Jo's out there gettin' it... lmaoooooooo

Rev Run's a good dad... I'd even call him " THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST" lol

Jillian said...

that was a waste of 60 sec...

Anonymous said...

we both grown we both young? that don't even may sense.. yea hes an idiot lol

NightFall914 said...

@ Jae : .....no he doesn't.

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