Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Like roaches......

Just a thought.
Why are the lames, clowns, fools, assholes, nuisances, cheaters, liars, etc sooooooo damn resilient? I mean from my experience and obervsation if your a decent guy you really only have 1 shot to get it right. Cuz when u do screwed up its a wrap. But the other guys? Ooooooooh man they seem to stay in the mix for years. Blowing chance after chance. I know there's no answer but it just always seems to happen like that.


JaeSpenc said...

Because it is written w/n most of our blueprints to want that which is difficult or what we can't have.

I've never missed a nice guy that I've dated. Only the ones who were assholes. Just being honest

achoiceofweapons said...

Persistance! That's why!
They are what they are and they can't be anything else.

Now, don't judge too harshly cause we've all been one of those listed several times in our lives if you doing it right. Just don't be like that all the time.

NightFall914 said...

@ Jae
SMH @ Blu print.If u think about it that's off in many ways.See if u said you wanted Obama as our man that would be a)difficult and b)you couldn't because he's married.Thats one thing dealing with a stand up guy. But if you continue to deal with someone that has been bad to you then that's another issue.Of course i'm sensitive to how y'all ladies get treated.

You're right.Hell I know I have my ill moments but like you said, "don't be that all the time" But can't NOOOOOO one can call me a liar,cheater,abusive.
Who knows, like I originally said its a question that really has no concrete answer.

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