Sunday, January 11, 2009


.....who made this mocC Taliban scarf look popular? I'm still not feeling it.

And shades in the club aren't much better.....


Boss Lady said...

I second that..

JaeSpenc said...

I guess the Taliban thing hasn't made it down to Kentucky yet... lol... But I have seen women w/ the BLACK scarf draped over their head... but that's been going on for a while.

Glasses in the club, to me, is for posers... Men who want to PRETEND that they're important. The real men of worth know that the eyes convey the seduction... so they'd NEVER want to hinder themselves ;)

anywhoo-- thats why they call it YOUR style... if you like it... I love it.

Jillian said...

um shades in the club...yeeeah..

pink said...

i like the scarf trend but that window display is hideous

as for glasses i see no point after dark cuz u cant see shit . . . now imagine in da dark of some crowded club under the impairment of alcohol . . . a candidate for gettin got i say

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