Thursday, February 5, 2009

D-Fence????? or Stars on Broadway

So in the past to games my NYK's have seen Kobe dropped 61 and Lebron provided a video game like triple double of 52pts, 11 asts. and 10 boards. Both were good games that ended on NYK losses. Now there's no prize for playing hard but I personally am not mad at the games or the results given what the we have to work with, but I do know that when this man patrolled the court, this would never happen. You didn't just prance into MSG and decide you were going to go off and have a huge game. You had to earn it and 9 out of 10 times you were coming home with a loss.On top of that, I'd be damned in you would come into MSG score 50 and get a standing ovation.Yes its a classy thing to do but i think that's really more reflective of how bad things have been here.

Don't mind me.I'm just a loyal fan ranting.......

**Side note courtesy of Necole Bitchie**
I find this Diddy pic from last nights game hilarious.
"What Recession?"


JaeSpenc said...

why the hell does Diddy carry that much cash!?

Jillian said...


saturn ruling said...

wow... he's got such a dumb look on his face lol.

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