Thursday, February 5, 2009

Post 200 or Missing whats been long gone....

Damn, 200 entries already.I'd say that officially makes me a "blogger" but truth be told I've bee bloggin' before it was called blogging.Any way, I'm in my usual pre birthday zone. Thats the time where something makes me thinking or reflect on my past relations all the way up to the time when I leave NY for a much needed birthday get away. I know what I feel but I can't express it the way I want.

Is it possible to get past a previous relationship and not completely be "over" it?


Jillian said...

oh yes it is...

can't wait til birthday time by the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

congrats folk - keep it up, in a few weeks i should be at 600

Danielle said...

I think it's possible, but it might take a little time. It took me awhile to get over my ex, but I think I'm close to 100 percent over him now :-)

Your b-day coming up?

JaeSpenc said...

Most definately

Happy early B-day too... in case I forget later. :)

NightFall914 said...

@ JIllz
Yeah its soooo necessary.

Much Appreicated

Yeah I've never ended on bad terms with anyone I've been involved with.
SO time is a major factor.Its weird.

Yeah it seems that way.
Thanks.Its 3/5 love ;)

brook lynne carter. said...

dont speak. omg, i loved the tragic kingdom album.

NightFall914 said...

@B.Lynne Carter
Yeah you wouldn't look at me and think I was a fan of that

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