Friday, February 27, 2009

Rumor or Reality


Exclusive Report Via MissInfo

WoW.....y'all fucC with this if you want.If it's I can officially say "whatever".BacC to my Vodka.....


_kamthebeautiful said...

Rihanna has bettered womans syndrom!

Anonymous said...

i'm so done w/ them now.
-she stupid.

All In said...

yea pour me a glass to, on the rocks please ;)

JaeSpenc said...

I agree w/ the first poster... She has battered womans syndrome... This is truly a dangerous relationship... I hope she gets away, but I fear that she won't.


NightFall914 said...

Even as the details on this STILL haven't come out yet this is re-enforces my feelings about love.Yes it can great and magical, blah,blah,blah...but it can and has made MANY people very stupid.

Their both rich so whatever.

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