Monday, April 27, 2009

April Closing out.........Progress Report

Ok, ok there are roughly 4 more days left in April so lets me where I am currently in respect to my monthly goals.

Physically: My "Superhero" fitness program and the 100pushup challenge is going well but I've been slow to get my ab workouts going. With my June 15th target date. I don't have time to be lazy with that.

Financially: I canceled 1 of the phone lines that I really wasn't using any more and Geico just dropped my payments by about $50.Slow but steady progress. I'm falling maybe $20-$250 over what I wanted to spend this month not horrible but still room for improvement.

Mentally: About 60 pages left to read in the Aprils Book but a May book of the Month hasn't been selected yet so I'll have to get up with Mz. J and figure that out.

Personally/Socially: Local gatherings with the fella's. Nothing major. NY hasn a habit of taxing your wallet to have some basic pleasure but hey you still gotta live life right.

April is finishing well but I see a number of improvement points for May.


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