Friday, April 24, 2009

Nerd Moment

Its amazing whats out there....

A telescope in Chile captured this spectacular image of the Helix planetary nebula, nicknamed the Eye of God. The object lies 700 light-years away in the constellation Aquarius, scientists said Feb. 26. The brilliant colors are created as a star releases gas and dust as it dies into a white dwarf.


Anonymous said...

Do these so-called "Nerd" moments occur often? Have you found them difficult to control? You might be infected with The NERD. You're not alone - the NERD is the fastest spreading infectious disease in the world today. Visit our site to learn more and find a community for the infected and those who care about them.

JaeSpenc said...

You're not a nerd. Space ALWAYS facinates me... That's truly a beautiful sight.

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