Friday, May 22, 2009

Motivational Words for a Memorial Day Weekend

While reading the newest issue of Men's Health(reading an actual magazine yeah it still happens) I came across a feature on Tyrese. Now I wasn't a fan of his originally. I remember thinking who's these brother singing and smiling about Coca Cola. Buuuuut, after Baby Boy i was like "Ok , he cool." I respect his work ethic and now I see him as an actor more so then a music maker(Lets over look that rapping alter ego thing he does,ok?). Anyway, the article speaks on him dealing with the complacency of stardom and how it had him some 50 lbs over weight. It then spoke on the direction and guidance he received from Will Smith and got him on point again.Smith shared this bit of advice....

The Five people you spend most of your time with will dictate how far your career and your life will go.

It makes sense.It's hard to progress when you fill your time with people that themselves aren't looking to progress. Just take a moment and think of who you spend your time with. I'm thating that will statement deep into my consciousness and internalizing it for those moments when certain people look to get a little too much of my time.

Time is far too valuable and impossible to re claim once lost.Thanks to the Fresh Prince for the inspirational spark.


A said...

I think those are def words to live I gotta reevaluate who I hang out with lol

Anonymous said...

I've beeeeeeennnn struggling with this issue for about a month, so this post really hit the spot.
I've been seeing ugly sides of ppl coming out all due to this blog thing that occupies a lot of my time. And I mean it's only a BLOG...My concern is that ultimately I am going to end up with no damn friends...But I'd rather be happy in "solitude" than unhappy and miserable with a crowd. I'm sure I will eventually be surrounded with more positive individuals..but uhhhh that time is not now
btw- that fresh prince clip has me buggin- STOP THAT!

Skip Serpico said...

Wait, you think of Tyrese as an actor? See, that's where you lost me.

NightFall914 said...

Yeah, you gotta do that a few times.

Why would you be losing friends over your blog?

LOL....I didn't say a GREAT actotr.Just saying that his acting career is bigger then his musical one....NO awards for Waist Deep.(besides getting down with Meagan Good)

evierobbie. said...

ok i am spreading this one around...

AssertiveWit said...

That statement about the 5 people you spend the most time with is SO true.

Big reason why I've recently made adjustments in who I talk to on a regular basis. If most of the things coming out of your mouth are negative, I can't be around you. It just isn't healthy and while it might seem like the "friend" thing to do (sit there and listen), it doesn't do you as a person any good to take on their transference of negative energy.

Good realization Blue Flame!

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