......it's from another forum.Posted by a female.Thoughts?Views?Opinions?
Why is it so hard for men to understand struggling single mothers?
Why do they insist on pestering us to go on dates and be with them? What makes them think theyre so special? The way I feel is if you want to take a struggling single mother on a date, you better be paying for the entire date AND the babysitter, and understand that we need to get back to our kids immediately after the date. I know as a (again i say) STRUGGLING single mother, I dont feel i have any business going out of town with you for a night, so what if you buy the outfit, that's not paying my bills or putting a roof over our heads or putting diapers on my baby's behind! I'm sorry but if a man wants my attention he needs to realize that there is no such thing as a fairytale relationship its a financial partnership these days too.
My View...

My view is::
Hahahahahahahahahahahah... PLUS that look that Charlie Murphy is giving. lmao
I am a single mother... I wouldn't say I'm "struggling", at least not monetarily.... BUT I will say that this broads viewpoint is skewed to the way of women that expect SYMPATHY or HANDOUTS because they're "single [struggling] moms".
If you don't wanna go on the date. Don't! If you don't feel right hanging out afterward... DON'T. But don't put-upon the man that he should PAY FOR YOUR BABYSITTER just because you're gracing him with the [pleasure] of your presence.
Whomever asked the other person on the date is who pays. PERIOD!. If I ask you to go somewhere, I do it. On occasion, the man may feel that this is wrong and want to pay... that's HIS option.
I rarely ever play the "single mother" card. And when I do, it has nothing to do w/ money. It has to do w/ needing another person as close influence on my kid... not their scratch. :)
Just my view (long-- I know)
well damn....I was gonna comment (even though I probably have no business commenting since I'm not a single mother or man), but JaeSpenc handled it all on her own.
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