Thursday, November 5, 2009

Dame wants no Beef.....

"I'm not teaching violence. No beef! None of that. I don't have beef with nobody.Him and the licensee who licensed Rocawear went behind my back and obtained the license to the company that was licensing PRO-Keds and stopped making the State Property PRO-Keds," Beans said on Philadelphia radio station Power 99. "It was all geared towards Roc-A-Wear."

Dame said he did not want to address any specifics regarding Sigel, but did say he did not want any beef.

"I love Jay, I love Beans — what's the reason for beef?" Dash responded. "That's stupid. What's the reason for beef? People die, people don't feel good — I want people to laugh. What's up, y'all?"

Something sounds fishy to me.......

Full Story Via MTV News


Fran said...

dame sounds smart

Jay1 said...

he did a great job of missing his chance to set the record straight. who asked him about beef? nobody's "beefing". not in the "BIG and Pac" sense at least, Beans said some real shit about jayz not returning his call for 2 years and Dame embezzling money from him. THATS what he was supposed to talk about. did he think MTV sent a camera to him so he can say some rhetoric about beef? what a turd.

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