Sunday, September 19, 2010

English!!!! Do You Speak it!!!!!

I remember the first person I met off the internet. I crossed paths with my dearest friend Raven on a yahoo Hip Hop board chatting about Wu Tang. She was going to college with one of my life long friends so while visiting him we all met to chill and one of the first things she said to me was "You talk the same way you type." Now that's something I've heard before and at first I didn't know how to take that as I saw no other way to talk. That's not the case these days. I find myself scratching my head at sooooo much of what people are saying now. I'm out and about. I'm social so this isn't a generation gap, but at times it seems like everyone is trying out for a reality show, comedy stand up or record deal cuz' no one's speaking English anymore. It's all catch phrases, cyber one-liners and terminology that has me just lost.....



evierobbie said...

love this post.

Fran said...

I'd like to think that I type the same way I speak. I met one of my cyber buddies after chatting it up for like 2 years and he was FLOORED. I was talking the same way I typed, but because I was black, he assumed I typed one way and spoke like a hood rat.

NightFall914 said...


Yeah you do. Just as brash in person. But in a good

Goddess Intellect said...

LMAO.....My accent is all over the place, I really adjust to who I am speaking with at the time, but for the most part I sound white, wtvr that means and I dont give a f$%*
I want to be understood by all, so my message can resonate not deflate.

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