Monday, September 13, 2010

Nerd Moment: Happy 25th Birthday Super Mario

I can still remember getting the NES for christmas back on Brook St. We and my lil brother in our matching one piece zip up pajamas. Mario, 1st known in Japan as Jumpman, is a true fixture in the youthful memory of millions of kids AND adults alike.

Other fun facts about Mario include: he was originally a carpenter (not a plumber) and most of his iconic features (hat, suspenders, mustache) were added to give distinction to his in-game face (which had to use 8-bit graphics). Since the original’s release in Japan twenty five years ago, the Super Mario Bros. game-franchise has sold more than 240 million units worldwide and Mario has appeared in over 200 different video games. The original version of Super Mario Bros. for the NES was the best selling video game of all time (40+ million units) until it was ousted by Wii Sports (41.5+ million units) just last year.


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