Thursday, March 17, 2011

Rev Run, Diggy - Generation RUN......

Rev Run & Diggy interview. It great she's a father raise a son in his footsteps but I'd be lying if I didn't admit to wondering where JoJo is at? Oh well. Hit the jump for more video.


Goddess Intellect said...

omg that's so funny I was thinking about Jojo earlier today...Jojo is the family's black sheep. He's unique and special in his own way but he has yet to realize it. I wouldn't surprise if you see Jojo take on a different career path altogether or even establish a career in production or movies...from watching the show he kinda has a flair for the dramatic..nothing wrong with that. Big up the family black sheeps lol

NightFall914 said...

Jojo still has been to basically do what he wants vs having NEEDS like most of us. So I think he'll land on top in the end.

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