Monday, April 18, 2011

Yes our Youth was better then Yours!!!!!!

I know every generation thinks their period of existence out shined all others. And I'm no exception. The supporting content I bring to the table is that SO MUCH of what my era grew up on has proven it's quality and staying power and is still thrilling and entertaining people today..

Take the example of video games....Mario, Link, Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, etc,etc.......Stop and think that those game franchises have 15-20+ yrs on them and they are still out in new versions, releases and adaptations.

And this only the tip of the Ice berg. I've already blogged on the classic toons about to return.

You just can't deny how ill was.


Goddess Intellect said...

Street Fighter was my shyt...I'd watch my boy cousins play that ish day and night..SEGA!!
Oh and who could forget blowing on the games to make them work LMAO

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