Saturday, November 12, 2011

Is This Support or A Hustle

I saw this Jay & Russell pic a few days ago and truthfully the first feeling that hit me was unease. Was Jay now supporting the movement? If so was it through finances? Maybe supplying the protesters with goods and essentials? Or was he just there to make an appearance cuz #Occupy is just so cool these days. Since I didn't know just how real Jay's support for the cause was I decided not to speak on it. Now word comes out the "Occupy All Streets" Rocawear shirt was being offered to the public but with no % actually going the movement? Huh?........Really?

The ‘Occupy All Streets’ T shirt was created in support of the ‘Occupy Wall Street’ movement. Rocawear strongly encourages all forms of constructive expression, whether it be artistic, political or social. ‘Occupy All Streets’ is our way of reminding people that there is change to be made everywhere, not just on Wall Street. At this time we have not made an official commitment to monetarily support the movement.
Well this is didn't sit well with OWS Leaders including Priscilla Grim who let us know exactly how she felt about Mr Carter.

Jay-Z, as talented as he is, has the political sensibility of a hood rat and is a scrotum. To attempt to profit off of the first important social moment of 50 years with an overpriced piece of cotton is an insult to the fight for economic civil rights known as #occupywallstreet.”
Clearly the message was received as the OAS Rocawear shirt is no longer up on the site. I've got no real issue with Jay-z but I like when a person steps to a figure of power and calls them out for their b.s. A large portion of the Hip Hop society bows down to all Jay does. Well, even the best of us need a reality check every so often.


Goddess Intellect said...

I heard about this...and seeing as tho he's from Brooklyn ALEX I'll take hustle for 5000!! lol
What happened to the days when ppl actually rallied for the cause without pushing merchandise?!!
Love him but this hustle needs to be put to rest.

Paige Diamond said...

Awesome post and I'm glad that Jay was called out on that. So many people try to profit off the backs of others until it makes me sick. The fact that they did that and the whole Occupy Wall Street movement is about the economic state of the U.S. is deplorable. I'm glad Priscilla checked that ass!

Eboni said...

I'm probably one of the few people that doesn't have a direct issue with what Jay did with his OAS shirts. I DO see the point that he could have contributed *something*....but I feel that the OWS movement is nowhere near as inclusive as it should be, I looked forward to OAS (in theory as it wasn't a "real" movement just yet) adding something I could identify with

Whitley Brooks said...

I'm a big Jay-Z fan but this move baffled me. Wrong cause to commercialize. It also didn't seem like him, but even successful businesspeople stumble once in a while.

Lauryn Doll said...

I feel that he shouldn't have worn or released those shirts without a clear note to the public as to why he's done this.

People are bashing him for this, calling him opportunistic, and like Eboni said, it's because there's more to the picture and issue than just the Wall Street/mainstream American outrage.

Black America - and Latin America - has been through this long enough.... it's ridiculous... but because he's Jay and there's no direct $ to the campaign... or any support, it looks tacky.

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