Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Still Realizing Truths......

For years I've really allowed others to set the tone of our relationships. Truthfully because I don't have a taste for conflict and didn't want to risk losing folk so I'd rather accommodate people to keep the peace. That was only a temporary fix and now I see the full picture so much clearer......I wont lose anyway that doesn't want to lose me.


Nikks said...

This makes so much sense to me right now. I'm a loyal in any relationship and I expect the same treatment. At times I'm fully aware I'm not getting that back, but I reflect on all the years and time put in, and I wonder if I should put up with stuff or just let it fall apart. But I'm realizing the same thing you are.

NightFall914 said...

It's really about maintaining your on stability. If your a mess you can be of any help to others.

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