Monday, October 17, 2011

Evita Robinson Presents The Nomadness Travel Tribe 1st NYC Meet-Up

You ever have a moment when you realized that “IT” was going down? Have you ever had your long time faith and belief in something or someone justified in a manner that even you can’t fully say you envisioned? Well, that was the feeling I had last night at Evita’s exclusive members only Nomadness Travel Tribe NYC meet up. This travel group, currently 300+ members strong and only 3 weeks old decided to not merely connect via the Internets but bridge the digital gap and actually vibe in person. I arrived 2 hours into the event just as Evita had finished her introductory speech. After making a special presentation to another phenomenal friend of this blog, Stephanie, the night of networking, building and bonding continued. Black, Brown, White, Men, Women all together as if they had been friends for years. We shared stories and told and/or showed each other our personal projects. It was amazing.

You see, in the midst of all this I had a flash back to late 2002/early 2003 as I was finishing my schooling at IONA. During her freshman year Evita and I became friends and I quickly became her biggest supporter. I never asked for anything I just enjoyed being a part of the process. At the time it was focused around for poetry so It may have been me driving her between Iona and CMR to get busy on the mic. Or an impromptu recording session for that rumored spoken word EP that’s floating around. Either way I knew I was around something great. While chillin’ with my boys approaching my graduation I was asked “Hey why don’t you holla at Evita?” It was an honest question but little did I know how dead on I would be with my answer. I replied. “That girl has major things in her future. She's not someone I wanna bog down trying to get with. I don’t know what but she’s gonna be something special and being able to give legit friendship and support is fine with me.” 8 years later her force of will is literally reaching around the world.

I’ve been bouncing around the Internets since late 1998. I’ve seen/heard a lot. As the technology evolved and the World Wide Web socialized into the standard form of communication, I’ve seen a depressing trend of using this medium to broadcast the absolute worst thing of our society. Yesterday was that much needed reinforcement that perhaps these horror stories of shameless women and boys in men’s bodies truly are the minority case being screamed out to the masses by the disgruntled few? Last night I saw the truth. Evita provided that to me and to the people. The good black men, the truly respectable women are right here. Not hiding, not on some secluded island. Folk are just too stuck in their ass backwards mentalities to see us……tough break. This is a group that successful meshes youthful energy, experience, business savvy, passion, creativity, drive and it’s all wrapped up in quite the attractive package in my humble opinion.

The possibilities are endless and I’m glad to have a front row seat to witness that magic.
Evierobbie Media, Nomadness TV, Nomadness Travel Tribe……Evita Turquoise Robinson, get familiar. I’ve been telling y’all for years now. ;)


evierobbie said...

The EP better never see the light of day!! lol.

This was very special to read. Thank you so much. You've really been there since the beginning and your friendship means the world to me. Every big thing to little thing you do, I never take any of it for granted.

Thank you for it all!

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