What transformed yesterdays "love of her life" into today's bane of a her existence. Such changes happen more often then I can count. Was he that vile being to begin with and merely put on an awarding winning acting performance? Was he genuinely a good guy that was somehow twisted into this new person by events I'm not privy to? I mean its also true that after a certain point you can't merely blame the "other" person. You put enough unsuccessful social dealings on your record and you have to look into that mirror and re-evaluate what you bring to the problem, who you interact with, who you attract, etc.....
Maybe it's the Summer season and emotions are hot and heavy but the "interesting" interactions and questionable moves are at an all time high. Russian roulette within the sheets, jumping off a cliff with a "Love" umbrella hopeful it will slow down your descent. You see this isn't about judgement. This isn't anything I take joy in being right about. I HATE seeing my people, especially my female friends hurt and distraught. But I'm a realist and I can't cry and sob when decisions lack a certain degree of common sense. No, love has no blueprint or official game plan but the sky is still blue, water is still wet and we as people are given enough to make better decisions then I witness. Is the fear of being alone that over powering? Does it really allow you to over look the disrespect, abuse, lies, violence and hope against hope that things work out? What are the standards and requirements applied to being that man? Your Man? Or is it something that just sounds nice to proclaim. I've seen it work and I've seen it fail. Happiness does have certain requirements and in truth everyone doesn't have it.
At times I wish I could just beat the life out of these guys.......would definitely be a bit therapeutic. Or better yet I just wish my folks success to failure ratio would balance off a little more.....
I think most women need to learn to be comfortable in their own skin and in their own presence. Accept that you're more than just a body to please someone. You play many roles, so go play the others. Put the girlfriend role on hiatus. Take time after each break up, stop rushing. Enjoy an activity alone. Spend time with family and friends. Lay low.
Once you're comfortable with yourself and have re-examined the failed relationship you just might find yourself making better choices.
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