Friday, January 16, 2009

10 mins. on the ClocC, Do you love me or not????

"You know the dynamic your kinship with a person is going to take on w/n the first 10 minutes of interaction. Friendship, relationship, f/b, possible hubby, wife, etc..."

My super silly sexi singing sista friend Jae has sparked a thought on this cold ass NY night. The Time may vary cuz I've heard 1 min, 5 mins, 1 conversation, etc,etc...

So my question is, Just how much can you tell about a person in your initial encounter? No female I've come to care for deeply made that impression on me initially. I mean beyond basic generic interest and/or physical attraction levels can u really be that sure of initial impression to be able to know if they could become something serious?


JaeSpenc said...

well you know my time frame-- I know, generally, w/n 10 minutes (or our first conversation), HOW or IF I'm interested in corresponding w/ you again, what role you will play in my life,and if you're someone i want to align myself with.

Has that perception changed on some occassions? Definately. But never dramatically. I've never fallen head over heels for someone who I initially hated. Nor have I hated someone who I initially adored.

There's something in the spark of that initial conversation/correspondence/encounter that triggers the brain and the reactions it will have to the other person (butterflies/nausea). At least there is for me. I guesss that goes along with the " gut " feeling thing...

If I can't stand you w/n the first 10 minutes... generally, that's the place you'll take..

(This is barring any time that it takes to 'warm up' to a person.)

Boss Lady said...

The only thing I can usually tell is if I want to continue speaking to the person or not. I can tell if they are fake or real. You know what they say, Real Recognize Real. And of course, male or female, we can't help but come to a conclusion after the first meeting whether we would sleep with that person or not. lol

DanniGyrl said...

Wow. I have never met a guy that I was like I like this cat during the first initial encounter. How ever long that may be. Not in 10 minutes for sure.

I can however, eliminate a guy in ten minutes or less if I do not like him. I don't know why it works like that but it does.

I think I am so disenchanted with the whole dating scene that I just won't allow myself to feel all warm and fuzzy during an initial meeting. My being just won't allow it.

Jillian said...

I think that in your first interaction with someone women usually know if this is someone who is going to be around or just a "time-passer" or hell just PASS overall...

Future conversations are merely gauges on whether the first impression was right or not LOL...

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