Tuesday, April 27, 2010

End of a 3 month Vacation.........RAMBLE TIME!!!!!!

Quickiest 3 months I've ever had it's not even funny........things really do play out right in God's time.....this "vacation" period always gives me a great control space to look back and review my actions, completed goals and those around me. LOL, got more confirmation that NO ONE is 100% single these days.Hey Adults do adult things and really don't have to apologize for it.....Nothing makes me realize how much I miss a person then a good hug.....Twitter still sucks balls.......Insanity is going great and I'm already looking forward to when it's done so I can start the next fitness plan.....The future looks like it'll include a 2nd job.....oh well, get money. I like wild curly hair.I like it a lot.....This Guardian stuff never gets dull...."crazy angles" are the best angles......Quite a few people will be complaining about not hearing from me or me being too busy but tuff break.You had 3 months to catch up with me soooo clearly it wasn't that important.....You ever see that most do nothing people always quoting the "deepest" stuff? I'm like damn none of these quotes and laws apply 1 bit to ya actual life. .....When I stop in think of it I do a lot of work on these blogs...I contribute to like maybe 6-7 of them in one way or another.....I've got to better focus my multi-tasking....are blowjobs mandatory?I mean would I leave a relationship over it?Yeah Random thoughts....On the real side I like being proven right in certain situations. My language tolerance is getting worse....now I don't like hear females calling each other bitches....DAMN I'M GETTING OLD!!!!!.....Bright Eyes had no clue who Kat Stacks is.....Thank you for that.....I kind of think that we all to differing degrees have a desire to have our lives seen by the public.....


Nik said...

I thoroughly enjoy it when you do these random thoughts post. They are my absolute favorites from you.

Goddess Intellect said...

"You ever see that most do nothing people always quoting the "deepest" stuff? I'm like damn none of these quotes and laws apply 1 bit to ya actual life. ....."

I nearly f*ckin choked on my coffee..I'm sayinnnn... everybody is a coles notes philospher these days..eff that!

You know what...you ARE the hardest working man in the blogsphere HANDS DOWN, dont think your work & support goes unnoticed OKAY?!..
We love ya!!
I will also be taking on two jobs as well in order to successfully _______. So I feel you on this right here:
"The future looks like it'll include a 2nd job.....oh well, get money"

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