Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Rambling thru the Heat......

Rambling before I go.....Love is still a curious thing to me and I'm watching it with an rasied eyebrow.....I wonder when people lie to me why they don't do a better job of it.....Twitter is current entertainment of satan.....boobs can make everything better......Lord willing this time next year I'll b in the new crib maaaaaybe with a new car....decisions must be made....MIA I will got love for you even if your currently the home of basketball bitchassness.......speaking of bitchassness, Puffy has been dancing on our screens for like 15 yrs now and left a trail of shattered artists in his managerial wake.damn.....There may not be any interest but have you ever wanted to assert power over someone just to shut them up? Or to prove a point? I listen to everything but 90% of how I act/react towards a person is based on their actions. I can always count on Frankie for the illest off the wall comments...... If you talk clean but act dirty....well you can figure it out......I just saw it again. BOOBS make everything better.LMAO(horny ass old men)......Watched the open debates about the possible Mosque being built near ground zero...this anti Islam wave is scary like seriously its disturbing.....the internet is clearly the home of the subliminal insult or at least the attempt of the subliminal insult........online is where freaks and wannabe freaks can exist in peace.........The large amounts of TMI i'm exposed to result in some crazy ass thoughts in my head and I apologize for none of them.....My friend says "She not that pretty" I say "I know".....We both laugh.......Um In the case of Wendy Williams boobs DON'T make things better.......Evita was a pimp in her former....I haven't had Henny in quite a while.....the age of the stripper is in full swing.......I take it as an after thought but when has a day gone by that I havent listened to music?....Folk are too sensitive and it makes it very easy to push buttons. This is what many people do. I dont consider all communications to be as genuine as folk say they are but rather I see them as attempts to get reactions of some type...When I seperate from my emotions and connections to people I can honesty say much of the hardships we go through we bring onto ourselves....unfinished business indeed......I so hope these interviews pan out right......My home will be decorated to show my connection to my artistic friends and my overall inner nerd....I'm crazier then you....believe me.......but I'm smart enough to know I'd never stay that with the next mans dick.....Eeeeewwwwww...Hmmmm, I havent been to a water park in ages.....hoping this photography happens this summer.......after which its back to p90x.....The Tea Party can STILL choke and doggy nuts!!! I haven't forgotten 'em......when I'm crib hunting first thing I do is inspect the toilet. I need a deep bowl so the "biz" doesnt hit the water....that equals the WORST feeling....every time I see shoe shine stations I get pissed off......Sometimes "F%@* aint the world, more like DESTROY!!!!!


Reggie said...

( @ )( @ ) definitely make everything better!!!

Fran said...

been waiting all day for this lol

re: the shoe shine station - what's your beef with it? Do you find it weird to have some dude shining your shoes like an intern or slave? That's my beef with it. Funny cuz I don't feel that way about the chinita scrubbing the dead skin off of my heels while I'm getting a pedicure.


evierobbie. said...

Love when you do these...Pimpin' ain't easy. that was hysterical. The photography will happen. Pick a date.

Goddess Intellect said...

Oh cool...Hope you find that deep bowl sir. Hint: the energy efficient johns dont flush properly eff being green...that is all.

SandhiBeaches said...

I love it when you ramble.

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