Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Hump Day Thoughts......

When I was a young teenager just the idea of being "liked" by a girl was a novel concept. I didn't know what love really meant but if a cute female was willing to say she liked me then that was enough for me. As years passed by there evolved more of a definition or at least requirements of what had to occupy claims of emotions to towards me but even going into my 20's just hearing "I love you" would still have the effect of making everything seem alright. Now it's almost the opposite for me. The words get my attention but to hold it is the key now. Without the ability or at least the attempt to hold those words up they run the risk of falling flat. I've put so much into "proving" myself over the years that now I stand so content in who I am that the world in general needs to so prove itself to me......


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