Sunday, August 7, 2011

Compromise Vs Settling

Early Sunday morning for whatever reason my mind jumped around to various couplings and pairings I saw around me. Some of folk I know, some of strangers. And I got to thinking about less then ideal situations. Situations where you know you're not getting all you want. I thought on the various actions I've seen over the years spurned on by emotion. I know what love can do but what about loneliness? What about just overall emotional fatigue? I wondered out loud via FB & Twitter what is worse, Settling or being alone on your own terms? Many said settling. Someone I respect a lot from a previous job said the following.

Being alone on your own terms doesn't negate that you are lonely. But you can get lonely... Settling with someone who is not worth your time, space, energy is a road I would suggest no one waste their time, space and energy. I have seen for myself and seen others being "kinda" happy while settling and it just eats away at your spirit which should only expect the best or at least the best for you.

The replies sided pretty steady with settling being worse but then staying alone. Then Ms. Conner gave me a different perspective on the matter with the following statement.

That's a true part of the equation I didn't think about. You see, based on my experience via my parents, I look at relationships, marriage, etc through what they have. A genuine love, long lasting and equally desired. Anything less to me seems off, but in these days I need to remember that all partnerships aren't always like that. As Stephanie would also say, "Some people are not strong enough to be alone." What ever the events may have been that caused this "condition", it's true that for some just "having" someone no matter the flaws or drawbacks is better then no one at all. 99 days of disrespect may be tolerated for the hope of that 1 day of bliss. Everyone isn't in search for the fairytale. Perhaps just being content is enough.

That's not for me and I'd rather be alone if given the options but I get it and understand it. And as time goes on and I see those that have been up against it for yrs and yrs, I understand the desire to just have someone. Do what you need to do.


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