Friday, July 17, 2009

Rhianna gives the Green Light!!!!!!

Everyone's fav "fashion chic" has declared it shaving season.

Cassie got tons of heat for her "publicity stunt".

Then LaLa made it cute.

This is now the official light skinned female hair style.You have been warned.


AssertiveWit said...

I hate this stupid hairstyle and RhiRhi looks like a cockatoo LOL

NightFall914 said...

If Rhianna's a CoCkato....then I'd be guilty of beastiality.

*Hugs head in shame*


Anonymous said...

lmao...umm no!
Can u imagine walking into a board meeting with that do? I have a hard enough time being the only shaded lady here..

Bombchell said...

hmm thats true I havent noticed any dark skin girls with it, however i think they'll also look great, but I dont think Kelly Roland would ever do it.

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