Thursday, July 16, 2009

In the Club

From 2000-2008 I was a club promoter and marketing guy.I pushed parties in NY and assisted a few record labels with their promotions on albums and other projects.Cool stuff when I was younger, but greed and ego among other things made me decide to leave it alone last summer. I've been to tons of loungers and bar and the once in a blu birthday party. Or I've come through to show love to someone that's throwing a party. With the exception of being out of town of entertaining visitors do I ever really "club" anymore.

Well last nite I was asked to checking out club HOME with my boy for a possible red carpet event he is planning on throwing. I said fine......smh @ that. My evening started very chaotic in having to link up with my people and then getting to the club an hr late. With my mood already being salty I wasn't in the mood to drink (imagine that).Even with the special shots of Hennesey Dark going around I just wanted to get the work done, talk to whoever needed to be spoken too and get home.

While waiting for things to be handled I was quickly reminded of why I don't club. All the goods and bad of the party scene were on full display. You had your yummy eye candy, I was being eye sexed but this busty asian chic.(a few of u will laff at that), you had your hood rats which included one group that came with the token whie gurl that had floppy double D's falling out of her dress while grinding on various black men, you had the dirty bird that pulled her skirt up to "drop it fast" never once showing any issue with exposing her baggy panties and ashy legs, you had the "ballers" and celebs of which Ms Steph Lover was looking very nice and you had random people you know (classmates, coworkers,etc) that you haven't seen in years.

Overall I'd rather be in bed getting a massage........don't know if this event will be set up or not.If it does I'll see what the potential profit is from it but oh man was I happy to get home. And even though I'm now running on about 2 hrs of sleep It interesting to see the growth in my social interaction. In spite of the T & A and the interesting looks and stares I was getting it, its' really YOU that makes a party. That's why I love when I get to chill with Mz.J or my trips to Sobe with the fellas. As you get older its more about the people your with then the noise of the venue.

Pix coming later...............


Kelly Nina Kiyyah said...

LOL @ you being EXACTLY right about the kinds of people in there. SMH! You shoulda stayed home! "HOME" is too small and isnt as "poppin" as people wanna think. A bunch of commoners if you ask me. *shrugs* Guess youre "clubbed out" huh?

-Kelly of *AF*

Anonymous said...

First--> hold up you gave the timeline of you in the biz or not?
secondly....I'm too much of a cranky old lady to last in the club these days 'specially if the crowd consists of rhi rhi & soulijah boy look alikes
third..I've been on that flex since i was 17 yrs old + in Toronto the legal drinking age is 19 so I'm bored...
fourth..i enjoy clubbing once in awhile but when i'm travelling and the drinks flow for free...I hope you got your massage!!!?? lol

Anonymous said...

oh & lmao @ baggy panties

Jillian said...

that's RIGHT....

life of the party right here!?!?!!?

LMAO...definitely everything is how you make it and take it! lol

Southwest is flying direct to LaGuardia now...OOH SNAP! lol

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