Thursday, January 29, 2009

Jan. Book Review: The Greatness Guide

As Jan. finishes off it's time to drop a few words on my monthly reading. I accepted the challenge from Mz. J and here we go. This month's book was The Greatness Guide by Robin Sharma. It is really a collection of 101 lessons/points that can be applied to life for improvement, success and overall positivity. The author really keeps the vibe casual as he creates this guide during his day to day business. He lets you know if he just dropped his kids off, is heading to lunch, in an international hotel or just on the side of the road because he had a thought. The reading is easily laid out in 2-3pg per lesson format so before you know it your done. Spilling over with quotes this book is one that you can reflect on and return to for consistent motivation. There are too many quotes to list them all but I'll reference I few that are on my mind currently.

1)"Every time you say yes to something that's unimportant, you say no to something that is important."

2)"Too many among us are afraid to be ourselves. So we give up our dreams to follow the crowd."

3)"Do good and leave behind a virtue that the storm of time can never destroy."

4)"Person who catches 2 rabbits catches neither."

5)"The people or circumstances that take you out of your power have extraordinary value: They reveal your limiting beliefs, fears and false assumptions."

This is an excellent book and starting point for a year devoted to personal improvement.


JaeSpenc said...

sounds like good reading

Jillian said...

yes great read! :)

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