Monday, January 26, 2009

My Time.....

Jillz wondered if you ever hear lonely....I did...I do...the heaters hiss doesn't bother me...the low electric hum of energy through out my building....when I hear these sounds among guard is down.Not to the world but towards myself....this is where the saint meets the sinner....the criminal meets the guardian....where fear meets confidence....the time that 1 side of me want to be having a sexual field day while another would rather be reading.

Within my time I juggle the multitude of thoughts that rarely have answers.It's not the calm or meditation or the restlessness of insomnia....its just my time.No rules, no allowance of insanity....with sum Alicia Keys in the baccground.


JaeSpenc said...

Good blog... The sounds of lonliness... Good Concept... I may have to steal from you later on today... lol

NightFall914 said...

Just remember....this came from Jillian first.She gets the credit.
Peep the 2nd hyperlink.

Jillian said...

can't forget Alicia! lol

thanks for the love :)

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