Thursday, January 15, 2009

Potential vs. Actual Factual

I'm blessed. I've been raised by 2 living parents who in April will celebrate their 30th Anniversary. Nothing on this earth is more important to me then Family. My father got marriages at age 30 after knowing my mom since high school bacC in Antigua.

Things more much faster these days. People meet have kids, get married, divorce in record time. With me my emotions are much more like the tortoise then the hare. I was never into dating multiple people at a time. If i want that I'll remain single. In my life's relationship experiences I've always come upon circumstances where I was asked to step beyond what I think I've established. It followed an odd pattern I'd be super into things initially until some action or statement makes me fall bacC and calm things down. From here I'd just be more and do what I do with a certain calm about me. Eventually things would end when an outside individual would "offer" an option that would seem to present better option to myself. And every time I've held true to what I believe that "My actions speak loudest for me. If what I've done isn't enough to keep us together then I wont stop you from leaving" Aaaannnd of course I got left. Needless to say that the "other option" would never pan out to be what was advertised.

Recent conversation and reminiscing brought that up and created this question. What would you do with a solid partner in your possession vs. an energetic new comer offering the potential of something better. How do you value Potential vs. Proven actual results????


JaeSpenc said...

Wow... this is definately a great blog... Basically I got w/ the saying "a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush." I've been in that situation... You're with someone that you care about. Things seem solid. You can't imagine it getting much better...


It does.
Someone comes along (or to the forefront in your life (in the case of someone who was always a friend)), and makes it seem like what you have is small potatoes.

The thing is, you know what you have.You know that it's real and substantial. You know the great and shitty parts of it... This new thing is... well... NEW!!! Everything is promising when it's new. Every relationship/friendship that has ever broken up/ended STARTED with a promise. Ultimately that promise is broken.

I go w/ what I know. Stay where I'm happy now... and if something happens in my situation later on and it ends, and that NEW person is still available... then I'd explore it @ that point. But messing up a situation that I'm IN for something that MAY pan out... to me... is ridiculous, selfish, and acting like the dog that saw his reflection (you know...with the bone...)... Greedy.

But it's different strokes for different folks.

(damn-- that was alot to type... lol)

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