Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Me and She


Ok so for years on my online travels I've written and chronicled many of the things that have effected me and played a major role in the man I've grown to be. Well this woman has played a PIVOTAL role in that. Everyone has a person that gets to them, that at times can be both your strength and/or your weakness. She's that individual to me. It's a hell of friendship and I wouldn't have it any other way. We've had mega Ups and Super down but for whatever reason we're always bound to cross paths and make sure the other is good.

The references I make to "Lonelynites", in all honesty, she was as directly responsible for that in her own way as any single person. Long story but the end result is me being who I am today, so its good. The Love is super strong and beyond words, which says something considering how wordy I am. It's a Me and Her thing I guess. Anyway, Pix and a Vid of our randomness during her NY visit. Its an Online view of my Offline world.....


Jillian said...

of course it would be Alicia on the track..

LMAO @ not knowing your web address....ME NEITHER!!!!

um next time i'd like a shout out please thanks!

nice to finally "meet" tray hahahaha

loved the vid....ya look so cute aaaaawwwwwwwwwwww...

*ok stop giving me the face*

Anonymous said...


NightFall914 said...


I need to make videos.....

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